* Allows supervisors direct access to process.
* Greatly reduces cheating for higher abatement efficiency.
* Higher abatement reduces accidents and pilferage.
* Increases regulatory compliance reducing audit costs.
* Certified Collectors prevent costly litigation.
* Copies of forms go directly to supervisors - no more mix-ups!
* Eliminates off-site auto accidents and worker comp issues.
* Employer doesn't pay wages for waiting time at clinic.
* No payroll for travel time for multiple employees.
* No travel time for supervisors on Reasonable Suspicions.
* Eliminates productivity losses due to contagious clinic exposures.
* Saves valuable employee time reducing work backlogs and overtime.
* Provides employee convenience.
* Decreases job stress.
* Available 24 hours 365 days a year!

Why not schedule your next Random or Pre-Employment Testing
with MTS to get an actual demonstration of all the advantages of
On-Site Testing?

Our clients wonder why they ever did it any other way!

Call (888) 628-0642 today to get all your questions answered including an instant price quote designed for your specific needs!
